Transition is a process, not a one-off event, which requires both time and commitment. It is a process of building relationships and understanding, with the aim of supporting students in their transition, identifying barriers to a student’s learning and any adjustments that can be made. All students with additional or complex needs that arise from disability and difficulties in learning require support and/or services at transition points.
General principles underlying successful transitions include:
planning well in advance of the start of the transition process,
providing the student and parent/guardian/carer(s) with sufficient information to make an informed choice about future settings, including specialist settings, and
effective collaboration between transition settings that results in sharing of all relevant information
Foundation Orientation and Information sessions are held in Term 3 and 4 for prospective families. All families who have successful enrolments will be advised of dates and time of the sessions.
At Diggers Rest Primary School we pride ourselves on a personal approach. We encourage an open door policy and an ongoing conversation about student learning. In demonstration of this philosophy we hold individualized tours with the school principal for those interested in enrolment. Interested families can contact our Enrolment Officer on 9740 1391 to make an appointment.