DRPS Dad's Group

In 2022, Diggers Rest Primary School launched our very own Dad’s Group with the assistance of the Fathering Project. Our Dad's Committee strives to provide opportunities for Dad's and/or male role models to connect authentically with their children in a fun and inclusive environment.
Evidence shows that
Fathers have a significant impact on the academic, social and emotional wellbeing of children, with lasting influences into their adult life
Children do better at school when fathers are involved in their educational activities
Children whose fathers participate in school activities, meeting and events also enjoy school more, are less likely to have behaviour issues and are more likely to participate
What we do
1 x Dad's & Kids event each term
1 x Dad's committee meeting each term
For more information about the DRPS Dad's Group OR to express your interest for our Dad's committee, please contact Brad Kemp - Assistant Principal on 9740 1391