The Buddy Program is an initiative started to help build relationships and encourage a sense of community at Diggers Rest Primary School. At DRPS, students in Prep are paired up with a Grade 5/6 student to ease their transition into school and help them feel more comfortable in their new environment. The 5/6 students are the leaders of our school and act as role models for their buddies. Students take part in a number of activities throughout the year, which connect to their Inquiry curriculum, such as, investigating a Healthy Body and Mind, science experiments, scavenger hunts, cooking, Book Week activities and many more.
Through completing these activities students have a friendly face they can look for in the yard to help them feel safe and supported. The Buddy Program promotes inclusion and a sense of belonging within the school. It allows the students to develop their communication and social skills, as well as encourage valuable relationships at DRPS, something the students pride themselves on.

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